My crochet mistake and why I didn’t frog it. Lately I have been crocheting what I call ‘little guys.’ Some call them ‘smalls’ or ‘plushies.’ I like to make quick and easy items for the holiday bazaar coming up in November. This cute little octopus works up fast and is fun to make.

When I was finished and had all loose ends taken care of, I realized my crochet mistake — I had crocheted seven tentacles instead of eight. Some smart youngster would surely tell me I should have eight tentacles if I took this to the bazaar. So, I set it aside while I debated about frogging or not.
While finishing another octopus, I used my mistake as a pin cushion for my tapestry needle. And I continued to place my needle in that octopus several times over the next couple days. Then I put a couple stitch markers in it…. and

I’m keeping my crochet mistake and not frogging it. It is sooo cute AND I’m not searching for my needle or stitch markers anymore!
Speaking of stitch markers. Did you notice the markers in the picture look big? That’s because they are! The markers are the JUMBO stitch markers from Clover. I love them as they are easier to use and do not break like the smaller markers.
(No, I’m not getting any kind of payment for posting the stitch marker information. I just wanted to make a recommendation.)
Happy Crocheting,